

My Photo Gallery

Use a photo gallery to put pictures on your Web Site you would like to exchange with friends and family. Photos of new homes, graduations, weddings, baby pictures, or anything else can all be placed here.

All my girls

Grandma and Emily

Who said she's getting old?

Emily getting her Cubbie badges

Proud Cubbie

Me and my Emmy

Happy Cubbie

Only 5

Emily dressed up by Laura and Brenna

Walk to Graduation

Emily entering the auditorium for her graduation musical in PreK

Emily & Laura

All dressed up and on time!

Habitat Family

Omar and Family

Megan in Fla

Laura and her best buddy Megan in Sanibel Is, Fla


Laura wasw dressed for a play as a Bronx NY gal

Citizenship Award

Ms Childers Class, 2005

Emily Graduate - PreK

Sand Storm

An Iraqi Sandstorm sent by a freid on Sandy's who was there.


Emily in the Jacuzzi with Bubble Bath

Laura & Scottie, Em in the back on a dog walk

This site was last updated 03/03/13